Sunday, March 19, 2023

Trump 2023

 Isn't it funny how the Simpsons predicted that Trump was going to die? What if this is it? He unalive himself before he goes to jail or something happens in jail that unalive him? We will never know but I think it is weird how the Simpson predictions are right. 

People did not believe he was going to jail but apparently he himself says he is going to jail. He said Tuesday he is going to jail because of illegal leaks that involved hush money and so much other things because New York is indicting him. I feel like it is also because of January 6th but they won't say only are talking about the hush money. 

My question is why now? Why are they trying to go after him after he already ran for president? Wouldn't they look at it before then? Something does not seem right with this at all. Supposedly he done it while in president but I am not sure if this is right or not. 

Another thing, they are trying to stop him from being elected is because he was going to give America to Putin. According to what he put on his True Social, he was in talks with Putin and agreed to side as allies. 

 I mean If you compare him with Biden, you would see that most of the things Biden stands for is going in reverse and they are basically taking everything he stands for including Rod V Wade. 

Trump was trying to fix the mental health system because it is broken along with enforce gun control laws and fixing the existing laws all while Biden is banning them because he wants background checks done on people who are trying to buy gun from gun shows in which I agree with it because they are trying to protect the people but yet, anyone that wants a gun can basically go to some kind of street dealer to get any kind of guns that they want.

While Trump was in office, nothing was as bad as it is now. The inflation was not as high as it is now in which I understand because after Covid, everyone was out buying everything and things are in high demand for things.

Also supposedly there will be riots and protests because of his arrest that he is supposedly calling on all of his supporters and followers to help him with that.

This does not make sense but here is my thoughts on all of this. 

Now supposedly the right wing wants to execute Obama and a few others because of criminal cabal if Trump gets indicted which none of this makes sense. Obama's term done went and came and he is basically old news. 

Why keep bringing him up. It is like having spoiled milk and still drinking it knowing it is going to make you sick. I only feel like they are trying to do this because of racism. He was the first black president ever and I feel they don't like it because of this.

Honestly I feel this is a cover up, trying to cover something like the fact that TikTok CEO is in court trying to talk while people are talking over him or that we are silently going to war. Apparently we are launching missiles at Syria and apparently Trump lied about getting arrested. It is all about agenda.


 "Donald Trump vs Joe Biden." Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 15 Mar 2023. >

Chait, J. (2022, March 8). How trump and Putin have been allies against Ukraine. Intelligencer. Retrieved March 19, 2023, from

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