Sunday, March 19, 2023

TikTok Banning

 They are trying to take TikTok away because of all the other counties protesting and fighting their government to overturn them. 

They are wanting to take it away because of the others trying to overthrow their government in which we can to if we don't agree with them or like the way they are doing.

They are trying to censorship everything that is going on so we cannot see anything but want us to trust them. They are scared of the power of TikTok not just TikTok but all of us. 

We see how other countries are going and we see how we are going and they are scared to lose control and power.

It's all about control and fear. They take out TikTok we will not know anything else is going on because of it just like times before TikTok, just like with the trails derailing, the chemical plants burning and so much more. We did not know anything was going on until we came across it on tiktok.

They don't have a problem with China owning nor running it, they have a problem with the world being shown then what else are they hiding from us? What do they want us to not believe in? 

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