Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Constitution| We have never been the home of the freed

 Anyone else realize that we are slowly being stripped of our Constitutional rights or that they are limiting them and slowly changing them?

We supposedly have freedom of speech but have you noticed if we speak out, or say certain things it or have certain beliefs and religion then we are judged, hated against and so much more.

Women, no longer have rights. They took wade vs row, birth control pills and medications and if they have a miss carriage or an abortion in certain states they are being thrown in jail or threaten to be executed.

 America is not the land of the free; home of the brave. Everyone talks how they want to come here for a better life but in actuality, it is like we are slaves to a system. We aren't really free. It may look good and look to be better but it is rough. 

Jobs that say they are hiring is not actually hiring but makes it look like they are hiring to get paid from the government and making it seem like they are looking for candidates when they are not. 

Some people are not getting paid minimum wage and not able to pay bills, get food, get gas and other things they are needing. Some cannot even afford their homes or rent like they use to.

Companies are not paying their workers fair and they are being overworked to the point they are to tired to keep going or they basically quit. 

Inflation is to high that no one can really afford anything. Jim crow is back in Mississippi when there were already sun down towns in a few states. Towns where if you were a minority you have to go home when the sun goes down. It was a racial segregation.

There is nothing okay with this world. Parts of America are still racist and unjust. To them we are not human, we are just a slave to the system and a number. We are the meal tickets and make them money and work.

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