Friday, March 3, 2023

The Pyramids

What if I tell you I do not believe the pyramids were built here. I believe they were flown or something because if you look at it, the ruins and old buildings and places they are basically destroyed buildings and falling apart but the pyramids are still hanging on. A few of them were destroyed but isn't it weird how the others weren't?

 From images on googles and looking at buildings that were made and built around 2560bc and 3200 B.C. it seems like most of them are eroding from the weather and the environment around it. Basically the earth has taken back a few places.

 Another thing is how did the pyramids get built? How did those that supposedly built the pyramids pick up blocks that weighs 2.5 tons? This makes no sense no person can pick up a 2.5 ton block. They would need some kind of technology or something to be able to pick up each block and place it accordingly.

They are supposedly finding all kind secrets and things in the pyramids that they did not suspect to find hidden passages and corridors. They are finding all kind of resting places in the pyramids for kings and royalty tombs and so much more.

 What is to say that there are not things hidden in the sand since they have found another couple of pyramids under the sand that is 65 feet under but none of this makes sense.

The few pyramids that are left and some are resting on bedrock so that they don't sink under the ground but isn't that how the first few sunk? Who actually knows with the sand and dust storms that happens. 

I mean all I could know is aliens had an hand in it because nothing makes sense anymore and with some supposedly have curses on them we actually will never know what the capability is.

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