Friday, March 3, 2023

The Dinosaurs


Who is to say, an asteroid killed the dinosaurs and how would we know? If this has really happened on this planet then how are we here? The dinosaurs supposedly went extinct about 66 million years ago. 

The supposedly asteroid that impacted the earth was 6 miles wide causing an explosion and crater that is roughly 110 miles across earth earth quakes including mega earth quakes that lasted months. 

It also played with the climate controls forcing nuclear types of weather and basically burning them alive and drying up the water which then causes thinning out food sources but supposedly dinosaurs were all over the continent and the world so this does not make sense. How did this blast zone whip out all of them if they were all over the world. 

The first human ever to been known on earth has been the Homo Habillis or better known as handy man that lived 3.4 -1.4 million years ago in the eastern and southern Africa and it has been about 65 million years to pass before people appeared on earth so none of this makes sense. 

But supposedly most of the dinos and mammals was left evolved from the ocean because the oceans were the only things the animals could survive in without burning or basically they moved to different places evolved into animals that we see today.

Who to say the "asteroids" were not UFO and aliens crashing into the earth? I mean how did it go from dinosaurs to no humans to humans? 

My question is; is that what is under Antarctica? Is that what happened to the dinosaurs and they are under the ice and snow? I mean it is thawing out now, but is that what we are going to have to face when it thaws? We will never know until someone says something or it gets covered up like always. 

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