Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Media

 The media only basically show you the bad in the world and never the good, they want you to live in fear and divided from everyone. 

They fear that once we unitize and become one, that they will loose and can no longer control us. The things that they show is basically a pick and choose to continue to divide us just like segregations but not segregating us. 

They are basically showing people that blacks are bad and they will steal, rape, murder in which that is not the case, that is not all of them that is only a certain type. 

They only show you crime that is happening and man made propaganda. They keep the controversy at an all time high, showing kids and young adults things like violent shows or pretty much anything. It's not just on TV it's in music readings, games and so much more. 

If you are trying to shield your kids or basically anyone from what is being shown, and things that you don't agree with, they will some how find it or it will find them.  

It is pretty much everywhere and they can by pass you so that they can show them. It's like you have no choice in the world and you don't matter. 

 It's all programmed to show their agenda and what they want to show not what they need to show. They will always point out the bad and not the good in things making it seem like there is so much bad in the world in which there is but that is all the news will show you. They won't show any good really just what they deem and want.

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