Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Something is wrong with the food

 Something is wrong with the food we are being served. If you notice, it does not take long for chicken to grow now. 

Some of the chicken is factory grown. You can basically tell by the texture and smell of them. It is like they have been cloned and you can tell. 

It takes about 3-6 months to actually grow but it takes now about 8 weeks and they are fully grown. Now tell me something was not genetically modified here to make them grow that fast.

The food that we have now is not the greatest. It is full of chemicals, compounds and other things that is basically not good for the health. It can make you gain weight and cause you all kind of problems. 

The best kind of food is grown by yourself not depending on factories and other places. That way you know what you are feeding it and giving it and you do not have to worry about the things you do not know that is in it.

It is different if you get it from your family or friends but be careful of the factory things. 

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