Monday, March 6, 2023

Irrelevant news


Has anyone noticed the news social medias share things that are not in the town or state they are in? Like the page is for locations and locals around it not for a state hours away.

 It is like they don't care for what is around them but so quick to share events or things that are happening to other towns and city's that are out of state. 

Sometimes they share irrelevant things while major things are going on like fires or shootings but yet you won't see it, you only see a post like "A cat gets rescued from a tree." or something totally different like now a gator is waiting outside of some lady's beach home like we know and you know, you picked the area you are in and you should know what is there. Wild life and nature is everywhere not sure why it is such a shocker now that it gets a spot in the news or on the news page.

It is like they don't want to do their own work and cover things going on, they basically pull off of other news channels and pages and shares the information like it is their own.

 Sometimes I feel they are being paid for it and it is a control censorship they won't air things and if you ever look at the news on your tv, they show the same things and it's repeating, nothing new. 

Like now you don't hear about the trains crashing or none of the other things going on, you basically have to use social media to find it out and not everyone is trustworthy to give you the correct information about it so you have to do your own research about it meaning don't believe the first thing you see, actually dig deeper for it cause it may nor may not be true.

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