Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 I personally do not think 9-11 was a terrorist attack. I honestly think it was an inside job and so does a friend of mine. 

I say this because as my good friend pointed out, the black box that was made for when planes crash that basically details what happens all of a sudden they can't open it and the passports from said "terrorist" or "kamikaze people " their passports and other documents were found while the building was basically burning and destroyed, wouldn't you think everything paper and all would be burned up from the planes flying into the building? 

This makes no sense. Isn't it kind of weird how 9-11 is the same as 911? 

They said the "terrorist attack" was to cover up that they were invading Iraq . They are also saying, if you google it was a retaliation because we supported Israel but who knows exactly what was happening or going on. 

I also feel like it was another population control because it hit the twin towers, pentagon and a field but who knows. 

Another thought, they could of been targeting the stock market and representing the crash in stock that we are now experience in 2023.

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