Sunday, April 28, 2024

Meteors are aliens?

 What if asteroids and meteors are aliens crashing into the planet? What if they lose control? I mean there are a lot more alien sightings and UFOs. 

But what if, they are not coming through space like we are told but they are coming through the ocean and once they fly out of the ocean, something happens and causes them to loose control? 

There are a lot of different things to think about here. There are multiple sightings of UFOs coming out of the ocean or going into it and never being spotted coming out. 

 If 95% of the ocean is unexplored because we do not have the equipment to do so because the depths

explode and implode everything whose to say there isn't a way out through the ocean. They are always shooting rockets into space but hardly ever going
into the ocean. 

Make this make sense, the ocean is on the planet with us but we are shooting things in space. Wouldn't you make something to explore the ocean before creating something that goes into space? 

There are "multiple videos" of space but do you really believe that is what space looks like? For all we know we are in a dome and they are controlling the skies just like a windows background because often times, that is what the sky and the clouds look like. I say this because look at the rockets "going to space". Most of them implodes before they get there like they hit something (aka the firmament) on the way out

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