Sunday, March 12, 2023

The World 2023 Events

 Who is to say the world did not die? Who is to say we did not die back in 2012 or all the other times they said things has happened?

 For all we know we are still alive but are we really? This could be a simulation that basically looks like the real world and we would never know it.

Things are falling apart and becoming worst and worst everyday. History is repeating itself and we never know what the next day holds. 

Have you ever not felt of this world. Do you often time feel like your out of place? Don't worry I always feel like that.

You take a look at the bible and they talk about Noah's ark and how they say that they brought one of each and put it on the ark. 

Once you start playing certain video games like Soma where your trying to launch an ark that has basically everyone's minds on it since the earth was wiped out then you start to sit back and think are we really on the earth that they say we are or are we on some kind of ark. 
Nothing is what it seems and nothing is what it use to be. 

That is kind of how it feels. Nothing seems real anymore it kind of feels like one giant simulation to me just like in Soma. 

If you look at the world and all the violence there is, how divided we are rather you are democrat or republican or even the race you are then it is like we are still segregated.

Not by color but by everything else but then again they are making it color based also, Mississippi supposedly activated the Jim Crows laws again. 

Places are banning abortions, threatening the women that if they get an abortion then they will be thrown in jail or far worst executed for their decisions. 

We are being poisoned by our water, the foods that we eat, and the air that we breathed. The taxes and inflation of things are so high to the point we cannot afford anything.

 Rail road workers cannot protest or strike, they cannot do anything because they are legally bond to stay on the job and work. They cannot get any sick day or anything. 

This is inhuman. They have been told to stop following the safety protocols which means they have to overload them and basically do none of the safety protocols they are suppose to follow because they cannot. 

Those who don't have the covid vaccine or refused got fired so there's a shortage of workers every where you go due to this or they don't want to work for a company and get the bare minimum or below it since you don't really get enough money to survive with and pay bills or get the things you need. 

Some of the workers are being worked to death to the point that they are covering multiple shifts and not getting paid for it or they are being over worked to the point they are tired and stressed.

This is how the new world order is being put in place not just that but we have a feeling it's going to be a one world leader, no more governments or monarchy or anything just one dictator that will rule all of the world.

There were about 4-6 train derailments in different states, a wreck with the truck in Arizona, a factory burning down that has eggs and plastic, a metal factory blew up, 3 environmental scientist died in a plane crash trying to get to Ohio to check out the environment and how bad it was when the train derailed. There was a chemical plant that also caught fire.

There is diesel fluid going into one of the rivers poisonings it. 
The inflation is so high we cannot afford and people aren't getting paid enough to be able to survive on top of all of this they are also talking about a financial collapse. There are so many things going on it is way to hard to keep up with it all. 

Ohio, West Virginia, Arizona, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Alabama, there is so much going on in all 50 states.

The whole world has something going on from protest to riots, to shootings to war. We do not know what is going to happen next be prepared.

All of this is a coincidence? I think not. It started with covid then they shot down a "Chinese spy balloon" but they are saying it was a weather balloon or whatever else they said it was now all of a sudden trains are derailing, factories are burning, water is being poison, there isn't enough food, grocery stores and other places are running out of things, inflation is at an all time high and things are just to the point we have no idea what is going to happen next. 

Talking of inflation is it just that the cost of manufacturing went up after Covid or could it be that supplies have been running out and they need to drive up prices so people will stop buying it out of want and start buying if they desperately need it. Sounds like they are learning to use physiological methods to control the information that is let out to the people by driving the prices high then people won't know that things are running out. 

 Something is up and it is time to wake up. Some of this is not being told in the news so you are going to have to dig and search for it. They don't want you to know, they do not want you awake. 

Ohio is giving everyone $5,000 if they do not hold them accountable or sue them for anything of the outcome that happens to its people. They are also making them throw out their clothing and furniture and anything that is cloth that could have chemicals trapped into it. 

We had a Russian Submarine that was found on our coast that basically has WWII tactics to fight, no one teaches that tactic anymore. 

Speaking of Russia, is it really surprising that all this time Ukraine was told they were safe from invasion by the Russian Federation but wasn't surprised when they were in fact invaded. Interesting that once they started to push back the Russian Federation events started happening more and more around the world? It went from more shootings, trains derailing, protests in France over pensions, to Russian submarines and fighter jets moving near the United States coasts, but let's not forget that the balloons were coming from the Country famous China. Sounds interesting that all in the middle of this they say the Conspiracy theory was in fact correct and the Covid virus was made in a lab in China, which by all fault doesn't mean China made it nor that it was even in that country to begin with but could have been released there to cover someone's mistakes.

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