Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Ghost and Souls


What if ghosts are people that passed on and went from this world or simulation and are basically spirit guides that are helping us around. 

What if they are trapped actually and cannot escape or get away. We will never know the actual reasons of why they have not moved on.

 There are many of unknown and unanswered things going on that no one can explain. We can only guess and become conspiracy theorist over reasons why or how things are the way they are. 

I only say this because there are souls and spirits walking around from years and years ago. So why do people question if the paranormal is real? I mean we all know they are still here after those with religious views says people who die goes to heaven or hell or their souls gets trapped for all eternity but if that is true, why are they still here haunting around? Wouldn't they passed on?

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