Monday, March 3, 2025

Leave The World Behind: movie

Leave the world behind is such an eventful movie. A few of the things that happened in the movie could happen now and it is important to note the events and be prepared for just in cause scenarios because with the world going on right now we do not know what to expect. 

This movie is pretty much a Death To America movie. The movie ending made no sense because it ended  with no indication and left a cliff hanger as if there would be a second one. 

It is an apocalyptic style movie with multiple series of events. In which throughout the movie you learn that it is better to be over prepared for this rather than not prepare at all because you never know what you are going to need besides an underground bunker, food, supplies, first aid kit, and  medications.  

First it was a cyber attack that then made transportation crash everywhere such as planes, and ships, the radio and communications did not work due to something taking out the satellites along with taking out the power grid and causing power failure. There was also a loud window cracking screech that was echoing through the sky that could cause all kinds of issues such as a person becoming deaf, dumb and paralyzed in which it drove the deer and made the animals go crazy. 

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