Thursday, February 13, 2025

2025, things going on in America.

 It is getting worse. It has gotten weird. Everything they said not to worry about is happening. Women's rights are being stripped away along with other peoples rights. 

The DEI, the equality is being stripped away. They are attacking us the low class people. They are not helping us. They are attacking the elderly, the disabled and so many more people including women and kids. We have banned words we can no longer use, we cannot use.

 There are people walking around with their flags and notzi ( cannot put the word due to censorship from Google) showing up and around. We have proud boys going around, we have racist targeting people and so much more going on. We have ICE in every state going after illegal immigrants, and some of the native Americans are being arrested and detained too.

 They removed websites that let people know what is going on and keep up to date and it is hiding everything. We are back peddling as a country and not going forward. We are headed back to the past. Also everything is being censored to the point you cannot find anything making it hard to learn about what is going on. 

There are sicknesses going around such as tuberculosis, FLU A, Covid, Noravirus, bird flu, the mumps and measles and so many more that are rising up we do not even know about. People are going to loose their insurance such as medicaid, people are not going to get the help that they need. They are supposedly going to go through social security and so much more. People are getting deported and they are not even from the counties they are getting deported to. 

Nothing is safe in America right now it feels. Things that don't matter appear to be things that are being focused on first such as changing the ocean names, trying to buy Gaza, Greenland, and a bunch of other things. The price of everything is going to go up. We have tariffs on things we buy from other countries and we cannot get them until we pay that out of our own pocket. That is not helping us. 

That is making us have to spend more money than save. We cannot buy certain things because there are recalls happening that we are not allowed to talk about really and some of the stuff we do not even know is recalled. We have inflation still going up even though we were told it would go down in which it did not. Trump even said it would not go down because he cannot bring prices down like he said and used in his presidential campaign. People are going to have to pay higher for their meds because a lot of things that were to help were removed. Things are going to go up and it is going to be bad before it gets better. Hopefully not to get worse but I believe it will. 

The department of education is being dismantled and so are a bunch of services that will not only affect us but affect the whole world. There is so much going on and we are only in February.

People are warning others to get a passport, and remove your money from banks just in case something happens. 

Everyday it feels like there is something else happening and I cannot keep up anymore. There is so much going on and I no longer know what to believe. 

Babylon has fallen and there seem to be no help. People are starting to just now notice what is happening but its beginning to be to late. A lot of our data has been taken due to DOGE going through different branches and departments and getting information and dismantling them. There is so much going on that I do not know what to do anymore. This is worrisome as a young parent with a husband who is partway disabled.


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