Friday, October 11, 2024

Hurricanes 2024

Hurricanes are scary, you never know where exactly it is going to hit nor when it is going to come and this causes a lot of panic and hysteria to happen in which people panic buys everything and get stuck trying to leave and evacuate. Often times the roadways gets backed up making it harder for people to leave. A lot of people do not get the evacuation notice until it is to late and they end up staying. A few people end up not making it during this and it is sad that a person has to go through this. Many people end up loosing everything while others only loose a little bit of things. 

Right now, a lot of predictions and theories  are floating around that the hurricane is hitting right where the solar eclipse has happened along with other reasons such as a Floridan has disturbed an Indian mound that was in his yard not realizing that maybe they were the ones protecting Tampa from getting hit. Another theory is that HAARP and the others are cloud seeding and feeding these storms. 

Milton was going to be deemed a category 6 and that does not even exist it only goes up to category 5 but when it hit Tampa it was a cat 3. 

There are a lot of mysterious things floating around including how people are saying that they sent millions to Ukraine and only paying hurricane victims $750 and they are going to pay that back but I feel like $750 is just to start with and then they will get more but then again, I do not know. 

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