Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pandemic to Play Chess

 We all were telling people the vaccine are going to harm us. We all warned the world of what would happen to the people that takes the vaccine but no one would listen and now look. Japan has come out and stated that the vaccine is killing millions of people who did not deserve to die. 

This so called "pandemic" was just all about population control and how they can decline the joint citizens into fighting with each other. We were and still are the new replacements for the lab test monkeys to them within this circus. Only the strong and knowledgeable will survive. 

When the next pandemic begins to roll out the higher ups will see us torn apart knowing they can easily take over without any fighting to stay alive. The year of  2024 has just started and they are already complaining of the Bird Flu and saying that is transmitting to humans without the proof or even a technical explanation of how it is possible for it to transition to humans. Big Brother is already trying to report that people are already have it and talking about how it is going to spread like wildfire. Which sounds very eerie and reminisces of 2020 and the beginning of the Covid 19 "pandemic" and its mutations and strands that so called became resistant to all treatments. Then the Monkey Pox and now this.  

Who are you going to vote for? It doesn't matter. Either party is going to say something and then backtrack. 

They divided us from the vaxed and the unvaxed, masked and unmasked, white and black, the list goes on. People kept arguing and trying to prove they are right and played into the hands of Big Brother which showed them they can play chess with us awhile they sit in comfort. 

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