Sunday, April 28, 2024

Population control through lake Lanier

Lake Lanier, is one of the places you do not go to. It is an eerie place. Lake Lanier is a man made lake that covers an African American town called Oscarville.

 There are a few different stories of why it was covered but due to the different stories we will never know the truth except there is a town up under the water along with bodies. 

Some of the Natives really do not like going down into that lake or around it because of this eerie feeling that they get. 

The lake has claimed so many victims and lives that it has a bad reputation but oh no that doesn't stop them from trying to add green flags to a red flag area. 

This feels like how a new final destination movie comes out in my opinion.

Just because time has passed does not mean it is safe to go into. Just because it's "history" does not mean the residents in lake Lanier forgives that their lives have been ruined because of a lies or whatever the cause was that caused it. 

Many people have said they are not going to let the deaths in that lake disrupt their summer and fun but hey that's on them if they want to do that. That is their choice but if it was me, I would not be down in there.

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