Saturday, April 1, 2023

Trumps going to jail but the USA Dollar is becoming non existent


Trump is supposedly going to be surrendering sometime next week the week of April 3rd. Everyone is supposedly reporting it but not reporting that the US Dollar is becoming worthless.

 They are talking about people, stores not accepting the US dollar because it isn't worth anything anymore and everything is going digitally. You may think so what? This won't affect me but it does.

 Supposedly the IRS is going to determine how much tax to charge you and try to take it out of your bank account whenever they want or how much they want.

 It's time to wake up, everyone is going into a cashless society where actually cash does not matter and is worthless. Many of other countries has stopped taking the us dollar and also dropped it so what does that tell you?

This is what happens when the US is in debt but trying to take we the people's money because of it. We're not in debt, they are. This is what they are trying to distract you from. The real world and things that the are doing. 

This is not our world, our country land of the Free home of the braves, this is their world. They don't care about us. Its all about money and who is doing the work so they don't have to. 

No one is really talking about this or anything else so you are going to have to actually dig down and find it.

 This is the reason they are trying to ban TikTok cause to much news is alerting people to all the shady things going on. 

But they fail to realize, many people are just going to either make a new social media platform or go to an already existing one.

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