Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Growing your food is better than store bought

 Growing your own food has several advantages over store-bought produce:

Fresher and more nutritious: When you grow your own food, you can pick it at the peak of freshness and consume it right away. This means it retains more of its nutritional value than produce that has been sitting on a store shelf or transported from far away.

Better flavor: Freshly harvested produce often tastes better than store-bought produce because it hasn't been subjected to long periods of transport or storage.

Cost-effective: Growing your own food can be a cost-effective way to get fresh produce, especially if you grow fruits and vegetables that are expensive to buy in stores.

Environmentally friendly: Growing your own food reduces your carbon footprint by reducing the amount of energy needed to transport and store produce.

Control over what you eat: When you grow your own food, you have control over what pesticides and fertilizers are used, and you can grow your food organically if you choose.

Emotional satisfaction: Gardening can be a therapeutic and fulfilling hobby, providing a sense of accomplishment and connection with nature.

Growing your own, allows you to know what you put on them. This allows you to help better yourself and your gut health. This is a healthy way so you know what the harvest contains. Store bought food is no longer healthy and is not really a great option. 

Everything has GMOs and factory grown or lab grown. It is not the simpler days anymore where you did not have to worry about it but now you do. Look at all the cases of recalls they have every day or every other or every week or month basically. 

The food you get from stores can make you sick because of what is on them or what it contains in it. It is a money racket pretty much. We need food to survive on so they use our weakness against us. They put stuff in the food to make you keep buying them such as addiction items like sugar. 

So yes growing your own food is better than store bought. This will also save you on a lot of gut illnesses you may not realize you can get from it. 

Get an indoor grower here! 

Seeds here

Green houses here! 

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