Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Texas becoming it's own country

 Texas is supposedly trying to leave the union and become its own country. This means they will no longer be apart of the United States they will be on their own. 

There will no longer be any government aid such as insurance, disability, retirement or money. They will have their own money and everything else. 

Knowing the United States will fight for Texas back if it ever did become a country only because it has a lot of resources needed for us, it will not be pretty and anyone will be drafted for the world and no one is protected from it so anyone with a disability or anything will be drafted. 

Texas already is throwing women who miscarried and had an abortion into jail. They are also throwing doctors who basically preformed the abortions in jail.

Texas is starting to sound like the countries overseas now that I am actually thinking about it since they are taking women rights. 

The only reason I feel they are doing this is because they basically support Trump and his doings all while saying Biden wasn't legitimately elected. 

This only started because Trump told everyone he was going to jail and if you look at it, he isn't in jail when he said he was going to be, they are still trailing him or whatever they are doing. 

He is basically causing chaos and riots and wanting to basically take back the white house and government control by force. 

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