Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Welcome to Merica Tariffs

 I wish people would realize how bad the tariffs are.We the American people are going to have to pay for them. This is going to make things cost way more than they are. Thing being imported into our country, we are going to have to pay for it. Yes, it can be the other way around but often times we have to pay for it. It has already started with packages coming internationally from China. People had to pay for it to be delivered to them even though they already paid for the item, the shipping it to them and then had to pay a delivery fee.

The tariffs are going to make the cost of housing supplies go up, food and so many other things. 

We sell to other countries meaning they are not going to want to buy from us because of the tariff in which farmers are going to be impacted and they are not going to make any money because of this and a lot of the things that they grew are going to go bad and to waste. 

We also buy from other countries and this will also cause conflict. We buy lumber, food such as tomatoes, avocados, cucumber and a bunch of other things that we cannot grow during our off seasons.

A lot of our items and products are from other counties such as oil, teas, coffees, technology such as phones, laptops, PCs and parts, cars and parts, fruits veggies, gas, medical equipment and medicine. This is going to hurt us and not help us. 

This is going to cause a lot of problems for every day citizens and people that uses it because it is going to rise and pretty much are not going to have it and countries that sold us this are going to end up selling it to other people.

SS CUT, Medicaid, medicare, foodstamps

 This will impact me and not only me but everyone a great amount. This is going to impact a lot of families. My husband is on Medicaid because he is technically disabled but he works. He only has one kidney and suffers with RA and that makes him swell and his joints hard to move. 

SS will not give him his benefits because of their long rule of thumb and all the other documents that they are needing and the long wait times. Don't worry they don't give half the people benefits and they need it. A lot of people have to go through lawyers and attorneys to get their benefits because it takes years to get it started for them to even bother looking at it and then you can get approved or denied and a lot of people get denied even though they really need it. A lot of people do not get enough on SS to actually survive through this economy. They barely get enough to get by. 

My kids, husband and I are on Medicaid. I will be on Medicaid until my youngest kid turns 21. That is just the rule of the state that I live in. I am not complaining because of I am on Medicaid. I am complaining because I am worried. We are a low income family just like all the others that are on Medicaid. This is one of our ways that we can afford seeing doctors without having to worry. This is one of the ways we can afford our medications without us having to go without them. This is really worrisome not only to me but to everyone that is on it and needs it just like those that have medicare. A lot of people are going to get seriously ill and they could end up passing away because they cannot get the treatment that they are needing. 

We are on food stamps. I am not complaining because of this. Everyone has to eat and in this economy, it makes it a lot harder because the minimum wage does not match the inflation and the prices of food. A lot of people are going to feel this collapse. A lot of people are going to suffer because of careless acts. A lot of people are going to get sick, and not have the funds they need to cover it. This is how 2025 is going. A lot of people are in fear, a lot of people are going to be affected by this and they do not care.

 They only want to give the money to their buddies for billionaire tax cuts and fill their pockets from the hard earned money that we put in and gave. 

A lot of people getting laid off and fired from their jobs. Their jobs that they ran for many years to make sure that everyone is stable and could actually try to survive in this world. A lot of people that are qualified that actually want to help the people just for them to get fired and everyone else suffers because of it.  It is only the 3rd month in 2025. 

If you look at other countries, they are so much better, so much advanced. They actually want to help their people everyone can afford things they need and want and they do not have to sacrifice things like we do. 

The American dream is long gone and the American way is also. They try to make America look so much better than other countries when other countries are so much better than America. 

Grow your food or get them from farmers market

It would be best to start getting seeds and planting them if you have not started already. With all the recalls going on, it is best to start prepping and growing your own foods. There is so much going on right now and if you cannot grow your own food, then try going to your local farmers market because that is a way healthier option then buying the store bought food. The farmers do not put all of these extra chemicals on their products and you just do not have to worry about their foods as much and this allows you to pretty much support local instead of supporting these food chains that are contaminating and poisoning us. If you are looking for a place for seeds check out amazon or your local greenhouse.

Raised Garden Tub

Indoor click and grow planter

Fabric Pots

Fabric for weed barriers

Bean Sport trays

indoor grower

Monday, March 3, 2025

Leave The World Behind: movie

Leave the world behind is such an eventful movie. A few of the things that happened in the movie could happen now and it is important to note the events and be prepared for just in cause scenarios because with the world going on right now we do not know what to expect. 

This movie is pretty much a Death To America movie. The movie ending made no sense because it ended  with no indication and left a cliff hanger as if there would be a second one. 

It is an apocalyptic style movie with multiple series of events. In which throughout the movie you learn that it is better to be over prepared for this rather than not prepare at all because you never know what you are going to need besides an underground bunker, food, supplies, first aid kit, and  medications.  

First it was a cyber attack that then made transportation crash everywhere such as planes, and ships, the radio and communications did not work due to something taking out the satellites along with taking out the power grid and causing power failure. There was also a loud window cracking screech that was echoing through the sky that could cause all kinds of issues such as a person becoming deaf, dumb and paralyzed in which it drove the deer and made the animals go crazy. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025 Pandemic: Measle, COVID, bird flu, norovirus, Flu A

 There are a lot of pandemics that are happening now. We have walking pneumonia, bird flu, COVID 19 and Norovirus and measles, Flu A. Not really anyone is talking about this either. We are under censorship pretty much and no one is allowed to cover much of it. 

Wear your masks, wash your hands and be aware of your surroundings. Take safety precautions to keep you and your family safe, especially those with immune compromise. Watch the things you eat and watch the recalls.   If you want some relief, try taking allergy medications because it helps with the congestion, runny nose and a few other things. 

Bird flu can happen if you do not cook your chicken and eggs fully thoroughly so be sure it is cooked. Chicken is done when it hits 165 degrees internally. Eggs are done when they are not running.  Yes, bird flu is currently spreading through beef and other things including pets so be mindful and be warned. 

Bird flu H5N1: Does not really spread from human to human but only from chicken to humans. It causes fevers, coughs, sore throats, achy muscles and pneumonia. 

Needing to find out recalls here this post has a link to an app that gives recall notices. Very helpful!

FLU A: Contains weakness, body aches, chills, cough, and a lot of other things. Right now it is attacking children and a lot of them this is making it difficult for them to walk and do their everyday things.  It can also cause ear infections, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the abdomin, chest pains, pneumonia, bronchitis, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache and body aches. 

Anyone can catch it including animals.

Norovirus: contains diarrhea, and vomiting and really bad stomach issues. It can also cause a low grade fever. It takes 12-48 hours to start showing symptoms but then it lasts 1-3 days kind of like a stomach bug. It comes from food, water, infected people and surfaces in which it can survive for weeks. 

Covid: is a really bad common cold but it makes you feel like you have the flu. It has a wet cough that converts to a dry cough. COVID takes away your taste buds and smell and can make everything taste salty and bad. It can also make you lose your appetite. It can also cause shortness of breath and respiratory distress. Covid spreads through respiratory droplets, someone coughing, sneezing, and or talking. It can also be on a touch base where you pick it up from touching things.

Measles:  High fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes, rash, coughing, sneezing, and small white spots in the mouth ( this does not happen all the time.)

I have had COVID 19 7 times now.  My family is currently dealing with it and pneumonia and the norosvirus and it it suck.

Right now we are combating it with cough medications, congestion medications to help with the congestion because after coughing a while, you will start aching in pain not wanting to cough. 

We are taking a tea spoon of raw honey to help with it and attempt to help build up parts of the immune system. 

We are also taking Ibprohen, Tylenol and advil to help with the fever and any pain we may experience. The kids are taking Motrin and tylenol to help them.  

The cough medications did not help clear it up as much but my kid had a rash that looks like an allergic reaction to something and we gave him allergy medications and he cleared up quickly. I took allergy medications and I felt way better and the only symptoms that I have is my little cough and a itchy throat. My congestion left and my nose stopped running and  I now feel better. I highly recommend getting some allergy medications because it can help.

We notice it started with a cough and a runny nose, then it went from that to a low grade fever. From the low grade fever it then moved over to wet cough, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Then my kids developed a rash on her face. The other kid then developed a spotty rash that looked kind of like a honey comb shape. We though it was something he got into so we quickly gave him an Epsom salt bath and then used non allergic bar soaps that was made of oats. After his bath we gave him some allergy medications his doctor prescribed him because he and I both have severe seasonal allergies and I am glad she did give him that because it came in handy right now. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Welcome to America! 2025

 There is so much going on. I do not even know where to start. The KKK is on the rise and is spreading out their signs, and fliers and just showing up more and more and so is racism. The neo notzis ( misspelled on purpose to be able to not get chopped.) are also protesting now and showing so much more of themselves. 

It started with the Hispanics and deported them, then it went to deport those that were born here but do not look like it such as natives and anyone else they classify or want to. The Hispanics stole the "black jobs." Black jobs such as field work. That is the black jobs they are referring to. 

 Who to say they are not going to mess with us next even though the constitution says they cannot but it seems they are voiding that. There are a lot of things going on that they are doing that go against it. 

 They took DEI which protects everyone! Not just minorities and people of color but it protects the women too. This is messing with everyone. They are firing Federal workers to put people that fit their agenda. They are getting rid of branches that are used to help the people.  

They are saying that there are deceased people collecting Social Security but in hindsight, funeral homes have to fill out paperwork that puts a stop on social security when people pass away and if the people that did get it and they passed, then the social security office collects the check back and if someone spends it then they have to pay it back.  The form is called Form SSA-721 and they are required to fill them out.

 So no the dead are not collecting SS. It could be the survivors collecting  the survivors benefit such as the kids and or wives but the dead is not.

A lot of things are being censored. A lot of things are being misinterpreted and being told wrong. 

Project 2025 was taken as a joke and fake. Project 2025 "Oh that is not true." "That is false." "That would never happen." But it is happening. Everything is outlined for it and they are getting ready to color in more of it. Things that were said to help the people are not happening. We are hurting and bleeding and it is only going to get worse. The things that does not matter are a popular of demand in the mix of things that are happening. 

  • WOMEN RIGHTS (abortion, healthcare, voting, jobs, education, etc)
  • ENDED EDUCATION PROGRAMS (DE-FUNDED EDUCATION) ( They removed programs that helped the special needs and the special education but it is going to get worse.) 
  • FREEZING FUNDING THAT HELPS PEOPLE ( Lawsuit and court cases)
  • END BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP and ANCHOR BABIES ( Lawsuit and court cases)
  • TARIFFS ON GOODS FROM INTERNATIONAL   (Cannot get packages without having to pay a fee to get them delivered to home)
  • FDIC REMOVED ( Insurance on money from bank)
The list grows more and more weekly and we are only in the second month of 2025.
Counties are protesting for us by no longer buying products made from the US. US is  protesting trying to help save everyone. People are exercising their rights by going to the capital, city halls and any other place they can get to protest. People are also calling their representatives to express their concerns. A lot of people are no longer shopping nor buying certain products and boycotting to expressing their rights because companies roll back their DEI programs. 

 A few representatives and senates and government officials are trying to fight back and voice their concerns and reasons and trying to help but not sure how this is going to go. 

 There are a lot of fraudulent things going on so be aware, and be warned. Know your rights and if you are looking for something on a website and cannot find it, use the way back machine which pulls it from the archives. They cannot erase that. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Fear mongering

Right now, there is a lot of misinformation and narrative twisting happening. A lot of TikTokers and social media influencers are saying things that are not true. 

They are causing panics, and all kinds of different things including fear. There is so much going on that no one actually knows what is happening.

 Everyone is saying different things and including their two cents and opinions making it so much worst. Yes, there are a lot of things and concerns going on right now. They are saying things that did not even happen happened. 

They are trying to boost themselves and make their videos relevant and because no one knows what to believe, a lot of people are following them and falling for it. 

Yes a lot of things are going on right now in the USA. A lot of things are concerning and people are also spreading false things making it seem true and twisting the narrative but then again we are being censored and not hearing nor seeing a lot. 

Currently things that are going on, a lot of government officials have been replaced. A lot of them are being offered pay to quit their jobs also. Elon, has created a branch called DOGE and is currently going through each branch and finding wasteful spending and other things this includes shutting down the offices and dismantling the branches including department of education and special need help. We are being told that other countries around the world are gearing up for war also.

 We are in trouble. He is supposedly going to go through Medicaid. The predict he is going to cut Medicaid, SSI, Snap and a bunch of other things. We are not sure what is going to happen. RFK JR is also trying to take anti depressants because he says that it is messing with people and causing behavior issues.

People are being deported that are not supposed to be deported. This is not right. 

 There is a war on the homeland. There is a war against the rich and the poor. A lot of people regret voting him in. The did not see this coming even though everyone tried telling them, no one believed anyone when they were told.