Friday, August 9, 2024

Trump got shot

 Yes, I know this is late but Trump indeed got "shot" or did he? We all are speculating that he just got glazed or cut by glass or neither at all because he wasn't wearing anything on his ear after awhile and if you have some kind of injury, you are going to wear a cover on it for a couple days. 

People are saying this is a publicly stunt so make people feel bad and vote for him to go up against Biden but guess what it is no longer Biden because he dropped out, so now it is Kamila his vice president. 

In my opinion I am not sure where to lean to. Project 2025 & agenda 47 seems like something we go through everyday and worst but then again do we really need someone who pretty much kept people especially black people in jail over their time and then did so many other things including smoked marijuana and jailed those who did it also? Yeah its a toss up. I also feel we are not going to have a presidential election because WWIII is going to break out before we can even get there and I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but we will see. 

Deja vu and Mendela effect

 We have noticed and remembered a lot of things that no longer exists or never exist but how can that be? A lot of people are talking about how certain spelling of words have changed or certain and when you think about it you are like no that is not right I remember it this way but they are telling you it never happened. Has it or are they covering it up like the Berenstain bears (Berenstein bears) and plenty of others that have different spellings fonts and missing things just like in Disney, Tinkerbell went over the castle but we are being told no she didn't. There are a lot of things that have changed and its mind blowing once you try to go google it and it is not there. We apparently jumped time lines and nothing is what it seems anymore. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ai taking over

 AI is taking over. They have AI doctors, they have AI workers, AI chat boxes, AI interviewers and so much more now including AI fast food workers and deliverers and so much more.

AI is advancing and so are the robots. It is like they have not seen iRobot where the AIs have taken over or Futurama. Everyone knows that AI are going to rule the world.

 Technology is advancing and things are changing fast. Humans no longer matter because the robots can do everything for them. 

Humans are replaceable since AI and robots are cheaper. It is only a matter of time until we become jobless. This sucks but we all knew this would happen. It is nothing new and besides we are basically training them using anything we search or type. 

More than One Cern

 Everyone is so focused on the Cern in Franco Swiss Geneva Switzerland but what about the ones in the US? Yes there is a Cern here. It is located in Illinois. It is just under a different name such as Fermilab. 

They supposedly opened up a lot of portals so somethings are going to make you rub your eyes multiple times and have you question yourself as if did you really see that? Yes, if you bring it up some people may think you are crazy and do not believe you. But the conspiracy theorist will always believe you. 

In 2024, a captivating conspiracy theory has taken the world by storm: the CERN Conspiracy. This theory suggests that the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is hiding groundbreaking discoveries that could fundamentally change our understanding of the universe.

The Alleged Discoveries

The conspiracy posits that CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator, has uncovered phenomena far beyond what has been publicly disclosed. Whistleblowers claim that CERN has discovered:

  1. Parallel Universes:

    • According to insiders, experiments at the LHC have provided evidence of parallel universes. These alternate dimensions could reveal new laws of physics and unlock limitless possibilities.
  2. Dark Matter Manipulation:

    • CERN scientists have allegedly found ways to manipulate dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up most of the universe's mass. This breakthrough could revolutionize energy production and propulsion technologies.
  3. Faster-than-Light Travel:

    • Some claim that CERN has discovered particles that can travel faster than light, defying Einstein's theory of relativity. This could potentially lead to the development of faster-than-light travel, making interstellar travel feasible.

The Cover-Up

The theory suggests that a powerful global coalition, including governments and multinational corporations, is suppressing these discoveries to maintain control over existing technologies and societal structures. Here’s how they’re supposedly doing it:

  1. Secrecy and Misinformation:

    • Researchers who try to publish findings related to these breakthroughs face severe backlash, including discreditation and loss of funding. The mainstream media, influenced by powerful interests, labels such findings as pseudoscience.
  2. Restricted Access:

    • Access to the LHC and its data is tightly controlled. Only select scientists and officials are privy to the most sensitive information, ensuring that these discoveries remain hidden from the public.
  3. Manipulating Public Perception:

    • To prevent public interest and potential panic, CERN's official announcements downplay the significance of their findings, focusing on incremental scientific advancements rather than paradigm-shifting discoveries.

The Resistance Movement

In response to the alleged cover-up, a group of independent scientists, journalists, and activists, calling themselves the "CERN Truth Seekers," has formed. They aim to:

  1. Leak Classified Information:

    • The CERN Truth Seekers work to obtain and release confidential documents and data to the public, revealing the true extent of CERN’s discoveries.
  2. Raise Awareness:

    • Through social media campaigns, public demonstrations, and alternative news outlets, they strive to inform the public about the potential implications of these hidden discoveries.
  3. Demand Transparency:

    • The movement calls for greater transparency and accountability from CERN and the global coalition allegedly controlling the information. They advocate for open access to scientific data and democratic oversight of research institutions.

The Global Impact

As the CERN Conspiracy gains traction, it ignites public curiosity and skepticism. People around the world begin to question the official narratives and demand access to the truth. If the alleged discoveries are revealed, the implications could be profound:

  1. Scientific Revolution:

    • The confirmation of parallel universes, dark matter manipulation, and faster-than-light travel would revolutionize our understanding of physics and open up new frontiers of exploration and technology.
  2. Technological Advancements:

    • These discoveries could lead to unprecedented technological advancements, from new energy sources to revolutionary transportation methods, transforming our daily lives and global economy.
  3. Societal Change:

    • A shift in our understanding of the universe could alter philosophical, religious, and cultural perspectives, leading to a new era of human thought and societal organization.


The CERN Conspiracy of 2024, while a theory, highlights the public's growing demand for transparency and accountability in scientific research. Whether these claims hold any truth, they underscore the importance of open access to information and the potential impact of scientific discoveries on our world. As the story unfolds, it serves as a reminder of our collective quest for knowledge and the transformative power of science.

Pandemic to Play Chess

 We all were telling people the vaccine are going to harm us. We all warned the world of what would happen to the people that takes the vaccine but no one would listen and now look. Japan has come out and stated that the vaccine is killing millions of people who did not deserve to die. 

This so called "pandemic" was just all about population control and how they can decline the joint citizens into fighting with each other. We were and still are the new replacements for the lab test monkeys to them within this circus. Only the strong and knowledgeable will survive. 

When the next pandemic begins to roll out the higher ups will see us torn apart knowing they can easily take over without any fighting to stay alive. The year of  2024 has just started and they are already complaining of the Bird Flu and saying that is transmitting to humans without the proof or even a technical explanation of how it is possible for it to transition to humans. Big Brother is already trying to report that people are already have it and talking about how it is going to spread like wildfire. Which sounds very eerie and reminisces of 2020 and the beginning of the Covid 19 "pandemic" and its mutations and strands that so called became resistant to all treatments. Then the Monkey Pox and now this.  

Who are you going to vote for? It doesn't matter. Either party is going to say something and then backtrack. 

They divided us from the vaxed and the unvaxed, masked and unmasked, white and black, the list goes on. People kept arguing and trying to prove they are right and played into the hands of Big Brother which showed them they can play chess with us awhile they sit in comfort. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Blocked P.H.

 This is a sensitive subject. May states did block P.H. due to "minors" being on the site because the governors and other "elected officials" blocked access to it because they want people to age verify and prove they are over the age of 18 to access it. 

What is this going to solve? A lot of people went to P.H. not just for the P. They went for other reasons also like there is a person teaching math on it. 

I am not sure why they banned P.H. when there are a lot of other sites out there that does not require the age verifications unless someone leaked something or they fear someone is going to leak something on there just like they fear this with tiktok and trying to ban it in which I do not think it is going to work because tiktok went to court the first time and got it cleared and now they are taking it back to court to clear it again. 

No google adsense


Google AdSense is picking and choosing who can get AdSense on their blogs. I have 3 different blogs that I cannot get AdSense on with little to no reason and I have a feeling this one will not get anything either because this one is a conspiracy blog but I may be shocked! I mean, AdSense is okay but what is the point when you cannot get anything for it besides cents? 

I had it once on my blogs but due to issues and disconnecting them not knowing I would not be able to connect it back and if I would have known, I would not disconnected it. To me, it is just censorship and they get to pick and choose what is a fly zone and a no fly zone because I know a few blogs that does not follow the community guidelines and does have AdSense. 

So with that being said help me support this blog by using my links and shopping on amazon. 

My links